A Place for Healing

Healing Bodies….Empowering Lives

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The Anatomy of a Network Adjustment

The most common question asked in our office is: “How does Network Work?   How does such a gentle touch make such a profound difference?   What’s the difference between Network and Traditional Chiropractic?”  In this article, I will answer these question and outline the “mechanics” of how it works.  To be honest, it is not a simple answer, so I will explain it in 5 stages:

1. The Nervous System and the Stress Response

The first thing to understand is that the brain, spinal cord and nerves control all body function, all muscle movements, all of our senses, our immune system, our hormones, the stress response and our ability to heal and grow.   It controls EVERYTHING.  

When under Stress, the spinal cord and nerves go into a state of Tension.   Like a rope being pulled or twisted.   The tension in the nervous tissue initiates the Fight-or-Flight Stress response.   This is an automatic primitive response to protect us in time of danger and threat.   A body “locked” in the stress response reduces our immune system function, increases blood pressure and respiration, causes muscles to tense and reduces our body’s ability to heal and grow.   A body in defense is a body prone to illness, disease and injury….and has a difficult time recovering and healing.

It is the purpose of the Network Adjustment/Entrainment to help reduce tension in the Nervous System, Muscular System, and Joints allowing the body to reduce the Fight or Flight Stress Response and the body recovers and naturally begins to heal and return to normal healthy function.   We not only feel positive physical changes, but increases in mental and emotional well-being, as well, when this occurs.

2. The Connective Tissue and Meninges

Throughout our entire body, wrapping around every organ, muscle, bone, tendon and ligament is a strong, fibrous material called Connective Tissue or Fascia.   It is part of our skeletal system, providing structure to the body and holding everything in place.   Like the nervous system and muscles, when under Stress, the connective tissue also goes into tension.   Have you ever felt after a stressful event that you were “tight all over?”   This is the connective tissue in tension.   It extends from the top of our head to the tip of the toes…and like a marionette puppet, when the “strings” are pulling in one area, the effect will be pulling in all areas.

The Connective Tissue that surrounds the Brain and Spinal Cord is called the Meninges (or Dura).   You may have heard the term, “Meningitis,” if this tissue gets inflamed or infected.  It is a thick, rubber like material that surrounds the entire brain and spinal cord adding another layer of protection along with the bony, vertebral column or Spine.    Between the brain/spinal cord and the Meninges is a nutritious fluid called Cerebrospinal Fluid.   In a healthy Spine, free of tension, the Meninges moves with every breath and movement we make causing this Cerebrospinal Fluid to flow up and down the spine.    When there is tension in the Meninges, the movement and flow decreases.

When we have a stressful event, the first part of our body that tension begins to rise in is the Meninges and then extends out into the Connective Tissue of the body, resulting in tension throughout our nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. In the Network Adjustment, this is what we are working with:   The Meninges and Connective Tissue.

3. The Network Analysis explained

Within the spine, the meninges attach to the bone in the neck and in the sacrum.    Between the upper back and low back, it doesn’t attach anywhere and is loose and free and extends out of the spine with the nerves to the rest of the body to BECOME the connective tissue.

You can experience these connections, by using your shirt as an example.   Tuck your shirt tight into your pants.   Have someone from behind pull up on the back of your shirt at the neck.   Can you feel how the shirt pulls by your lower spine?   Because there are no attachments until your pants, the force is transmitted to the bottom of your shirt.   This is why neck tension can cause low back pain and tension.

Now have the person pull down at the bottom of the shirt.   Can you feel how its pulling on your neck and shoulders?   This is why low back and sacral tension can cause neck and shoulder pain and tension and headaches.   The cause of a pain or symptoms is not always at the location of the pain or symptoms.   Often it isn’t.   We have one body, one spine, one nervous system and one connective tissue network and one part affects all others.

Lastly, have the person pull on the upper part of your shirt to the left.   Can you feel how its pulling on the right?   This why tension on one side of the body can cause pain and tension on the other side of the body.

When I start an adjustment, it begins with a Network Spinal Analysis to determine where there’s tension, where there’s EASE and what is the 1, 2 or 3 specific vertebral levels and side that I can make to make the biggest impact on the body.   I look for the Primaries.   There are 4 basic parts to this analysis: Palpation or feeling the spine with my hand, the Leg Check, observing respiration and observing the posture of the spine when lying down.

  1. Palpation: Simply, I’m feeling the muscles, vertebra and connective tissue for hard, tense areas: Defense and relaxed, soft areas: Ease.
  2. Leg Check: Again, like a marionette puppet, when the “strings” of the spinal cord, nerves and connective tissue are pulling due to tension, that pulling will translate into the arms, legs, wrists and ankles.  When doing the leg check, are the legs even or is one short?   Does the shortened leg even or lengthen by the turning of the head or the lifting of the legs?   Is there tension in the back or sides of the ankles?   Are the legs close together or far apart?   If far apart, are they difficult to push together?   If close together, are they difficult to separate?   All these things and more give me information how and where the spinal cord, nerves and connective tissue are being “pulled.”
  3. Respiration:  When a person is lying face down and they breathe, you can watch the entire spine move up and down from the neck to the sacrum.   However, when there is tension somewhere in the spine, that breath movement is reduced or not even visible in that part of the spine.   More information about where there’s tension.
  4. Posture: When someone is lying face down on the table, how is their posture?   Is the midback hunched up?   Are the legs diagonal to one side of the table? Is the head tilted or rotated?   Is the neck curled forward, back or straight?   How are they holding their arms?    More information.

By analyzing these things and more, I determine where the adjustment or adjustments need to be made to have the greatest impact on reducing tension and increasing EASE in  the spine and body as a whole.

4. The Network Adjustment – Where it All Comes Together!

So, how do those gentle touches on the spine accomplish so much?   Here’s where it all comes together.
In this part, I’ll explain the WHY, WHERE and HOW of the Network Gentle Adjustment.

Something interesting to understand is that the Spinal Cord and Nerves go into TENSION when STRETCHED or TWISTED.  The Connective Tissue, Muscles and Tendons RELAX when STRETCHED.  

AND…the Connective Tissue goes into TENSION when a strong force is applied to it and it RELAXES from a gentle touch.   (You may have noticed a gentle touch on a tense persons shoulder often helps them to relax.  This is why!)

So once I find the exact spot to make the adjustment, you will feel me do a gentle stretch to the connective tissue followed by a gentle touch.  How do I know how much force to use in that gentle adjustment?  By feeling how much force your body is pushing back.   I match the force.  I get RAPPORT with the body.  It’s like a good handshake.   Too much force….not good.   Too wimpy….not good.   A good handshake is where both people match the force – RAPPORT.   The body responds very well to RAPPORT.

Once this is complete, you may feel your breath increase.   You feel your body relax onto the table.   Or, you may feel suddenly the urge to move the body, stretch the spine, or stretch the wrist and ankles.   This is the body responding to the adjustment and the connective tissue of the body and spine unwinding tension.   Mission Accomplished!    That’s the HOW.   Now for the WHERE and the WHY!

Simply, I am always making the stretch and contact of the adjustment on a place where the Meninges (Spinal Connective Tissue) attaches to the sacrum or in the neck…the specific location determined by the Network Analysis described earlier.    But this contact is NOT made on an area where there’s TENSION!   Only on an area where there’s EASE!   We affectionately call this the “SPINAL GATEWAY.”   WHY?!

An area of tension is an area of DEFENSE…an area of Protection.   It is often “disconnected” from the Brain and the environment.    It is actually an area that you are often not aware of…and the body must create pain and discomfort to get your attention and for you to be aware of it.    You can’t change something you are not aware of….and the body knows this.    This an area that is not responsive, doesn’t want to be touched and will go further into defense if change is attempted.    Ever been around a person like this?    What happens if your try to change them?   THINGS INTENSIFY.

So while I am aware of these areas of Defense, I do not try to change or “fix” them (Although you probably really want me to!).   Instead, I look for the areas of EASE – The Spinal Gateway.   The Spinal Gateways are often right above, below or on the opposite side of the area of defense.   Sometimes its on the other end of the spine!   This is why often you may tell me that its tight and painful on the right side and you’re wondering why I am on the left!

By making the right gentle adjustment, on the right place (SPINAL GATEWAY), at the right time, in the right direction, with just the right amount of force (RAPPORT), the connective tissue starts to unwind and the brain perceives it is SAFE.   Suddenly, the brain sends signals to the body that it no longer needs to defend and throughout the spine and body, all the tension and defense starts to drop.    This can sometimes happen with one gentle touch on the SPINAL GATEWAY.

5.  What’s the difference between a Traditional Chiropractic Adjustment and a Network Adjustment or Entrainment?

This is another question that most of my new clients ask.

Chiropractic is based on the principle that the body is intelligent and self-healing, self-maintaining and self-sufficient.   This Innate Intelligence expresses through the nervous system.   A “Subluxation” is a misaligned vertebra of the spine that interferes with the expression of this Intelligence causing Dis-Function and Dis-Ease in the body.   The job of a Chiropractor is to correct the Subluxation, removing interference to the expression of the body’s innate intelligence and restoring normal function.

In Traditional Chiropractic, a chiropractor applies a specific force with his hand or an instrument to a specific “subluxated” vertebra to restore it to its natural, normal position correcting the Subluxation.

Network Chiropractic takes a different approach.  We asked the question, “If the body is Intelligence and Self-Healing why can it not correct its own Subluxation?   Why do we even need a Chiropractor?”

The answer is because the Body is creating the Subluxation for a reason and does not want to correct it.   Why would it do this?   Have you ever had the TV playing, had some food in the microwave and running a Vacuum, when someone upstairs put on the hair dryer and suddenly all the power went off?    Why did this happen?   The electrical system was being STRESSED and a circuit breaker switched off to prevent an OVERLOAD that could potentially cause damage to the entire system

This is exactly what a SUBLUXATION is in the nervous system…a fail-safe to prevent an OVERLOAD to the entire nervous system.   In the house, if you try to return the switch to ON without turning off the appliances, the circuit break will keeping turning off.   So, you turn off all the appliances and the circuit breaker returns to its on position and all the power is restored.   

It is exactly the same with Subluxation.   When you have an overwhelming, stressful physical, emotional or mental experience, the body creates the Subluxation to prevent an OVERLOAD to the system.   If that Subluxation is adjusted without first taking care of the underlying OVERLOAD, that vertebra will keep misaligning, just like the Circuit Breaker.

Like a turtle in its shell, the nervous system will stay in defense until it perceives it is safe….sometimes for years and even decades after the stress-causing event.  What’s more, the nervous system will go into and stay in defense from an imagined stress or threat as much as a real one!

The purpose of the Network Adjustment is to help the body recover from past traumas and stresses, releasing the tension and stress patterns from the Spine (the overload) and the body will, ON ITS OWN, restore the vertebra to its normal position when it feels that its safe enough to do so.

In summary, the body intelligently creates Subluxations to protect the nervous system and it can self correct them when it is safe to do so.   Network brings that safety!

Well, there you have it.  If there are any other questions you have about any hows, whats, wheres or whys about Network Chiropractic, always feel free to email me, text or give us a call.

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Every Fall is an Opportunity to GET BACK UP!

The Value of INSTABILITY in our Lives.

Welcome to FALL!

Often when we see the word “Fall,” we think of something negative. As children, we fall down a lot and get hurt. But every fall is an opportunity to get back up! Imagine a one year old baby learning to walk who after falling for the first time, said, “I QUIT!” No. They got back up and try again until walking is as natural as….well, walking! 🙂 I have a strong belief that there are not “Wins and Losses.” Only “Wins and Learns.” If you read the biographies of the most successful, they also had the most failures. Babe Ruth was the “Home Run King.” But he was also the “Strike Out King!” So, remember, every time you fall or fail, there is only one thing to do:

Get back up and keep moving forward!

When you seek out a doctor, chiropractor, holistic practitioner, you probably have some pain or health issue that your looking to resolve and stabilize….looking for more BALANCE in your body and your life.    This is absolutely understandable.   When we have a health issue or experience some form of imbalance or instability, it is natural and healthy to seek balance and stability.

But how often do we seek out IMBALANCE and INSTABILITY?  Actually, quite often!   This is equally as important.   This is why we go to the gym, go on vacation and reorganize our house, office or relationships.   Let me explain.

When anything is stable and balanced, there is no movement or growth.   It is maintained as it is.   In order for there to be any movement or growth, an element of instability and imbalance must be introduced.   Look at walking, for example.  

Try this:   Stand up with your feet shoulders width apart.   Are you going anywhere?   No.   You are stable and in balance but standing in the same spot.   In order to move forward, you must take a step.   So, very, very slowly, lift your right foot and start moving it forward.    You will, for a moment, feel unstable until you put your foot down in front of you, once again creating stability.    Now do the same thing with the left foot.   Do this over and over and you’re walking forward, moving back and forth between instability and stability / imbalance and balance.    Do this exercise until you feel that fluctuation between instability and stability.  This is how all things move forward and grow….fluctuating between stability and instability.   You MUST have instability and imbalance in order to grow, move and heal. 

Granted, too much instability and imbalance causes chaos, disorder and dysfunction, which is unhealthy.   Likewise, too much balance and stability causes stagnation, tension and dysfunction, also unhealthy.    The natural fluctuation between the two is what we want:   This is HEALTHY!

Every time you eat something, this puts the chemistry of the body out of balance.  As the body seeks the NEXT LEVEL of stability in the body, it uses the nutrients of the food to create new cells, create energy and drive function.   Every time you exercise, it creates instability in the muscles and other tissues, and as the body seeks a NEW LEVEL of stability, your muscles grow and get stronger.   Explore how wherever there is growth and movement, there are elements of instability and imbalance that drive that change to find NEW LEVELS of stability and balance.

This is the goal of NETWORK SPINAL CHIROPRACTIC.   When you first came in, there may have been areas of tension and restricted movement or chronic injury or health issue that hadn’t changed In quite some time….this is too much STABILITY AND BALANCE.   The specific, gentle contacts on the spine are designed to introduce an element of INSTABILITY by triggering movement and breath in the body.   Suddenly, the tension begins to release and the spine begins to move freer.   We start experiencing a greater sense of EASE, instead of DIS-EASE.    If there is too much INSTABLITY, a similar process restores balance through breath and connection with the body….also creating a greater sense of EASE.

If you feel you are experiencing too much INSTABILITY in your life, introduce some stability by deliberately taking calming deep breaths, meditate, spend time in nature and do more of the things you enjoy.   If things are stagnant and not changing….TOO STABLE…introduce instability!   Do something you wouldn’t normally do!   Start exercising.   Go on a trip.    Go out on the town.  Start a hobby.   Start a business.   Let your imagination go free.

In conclusion, if you have a health issue, there is either too much stability or too much instability and we can support you with creating IDEAL HEALTH through Network Spinal Chiropractic.   Give us a call if you have any questions or would like to make an appointment for yourself and your family!

With Love and Appreciation,

Dr Barry

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The Power of Kaizen

Kaizen is a Japanese word that simply translates to “improvement”, yet the philosophy of Kaizen refers to “small, simple, continuous improvements.”  The company of Toyota is recognized as introducing Kaizen to Japanese Industry by encouraging their employees to everyday make small, even 1%, improvements to their effectiveness and efficiency.    They found that by everyone making these small improvements every day, rather than making large dramatic changes periodically, the company ran smoother and profits and growth were more consistent and predictable.

Once, Toyota demonstrated the success of implementing Kaizen, many Japanese corporations also began to incorporate this philosophy to find similar results.   The Japanese Health Care System, likewise incorporated the principle of small, simple improvements with their patients and shortly after was considered the #1 provider of health care in the world by the World Health Organization.

NetworkSpinal care works in much the same way.  Healing itself functions in this way.   With each visit, we are looking to create sustainable change that future visits build upon.   Here are some examples of the changes we are looking for on each and every visit:

  • Decreased tension in the Nerves, Muscles and Joints and the indicators of this tension.
  • Increased respiration throughout the spine.
  • Increased sense of well-being and ease.
  • Evidence of the development of the Spinal Wave (Stretch and oscillating movements in the spine)
  • Expansion of size and number of Spinal Gateways in the spine. (Spinal gateways are the points along the spine where I make my Network Contacts that cue the brain and nervous system to drop the defensive tension and find safety and ease through breath and movement)
  • Increased range of motion and improvement of posture in the spine.

See how you can bring the principle of Kaizen into your life.   What is one small (even 1%) improvement you can make to your life each and every day?  If you any questions or would like support with this, please let us know!

Visit us at http://www.placeforhealing.com

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How does Network work? How does such a light touch make a change?

In life, when you are in the right place, at the right time, applying the right amount of force, with the right intent, magic happens.  Whether in relationships, business or healing, in order for there to be optimum results, these four factors must be in alignment.

In Network Chiropractic, we apply this principle.  If you are on the wrong place on the spine, at the wrong time, with too much or too little force, with the wrong intent, the body will react.  However, if you are on the exact right spot on the exact right vertebra, at just the right time, matching the force of the body, in the right direction with the right intent – the body responds…and it does so, beautifully.

What do I mean by “matching the force of the body?”  Have you ever shook someone’s hand and it was like a limp fish?  Or you shook their hand and you felt like they wanted to squeeze the bones out of your fingertips.  This is not matching the force.  When two people have a good handshake, they match the force…they have rapport and it feels good.

The Network Protocol is a very specific spinal analysis which determines that exact right place on the spine to contact in a distinct sequence so that we are always doing it at the right time.  This “right place” is called the “spinal gateway” and it is an area of free energy in the spine from which the spinal tension is being generated, usually found in the neck or sacrum. A force is then applied by matching the force that the body is pushing back when you touch it.  We “shake its hand” with rapport.

How does such a gentle touch knock down 2 Million dominoes with such a gentle touch?  By lining them up in a certain sequence, it only takes a gentle touch.

By applying this gentle, quick force to this specific area of the spine, in the right sequence, the brain is made aware of the adverse tension and through movement and breath the body begins to innately work to integrate the free energy in the “spinal gateway” to free up the bound up energy that is being store in the muscles, joints, or nerve tissue.

The light touch actually doesn’t “do anything,” but bring the attention of the cognitive brain to an area it was previously disassociated from, and the body does the rest. Wow!   This is the right intent.  To make the person more aware of where and when the body holds tension and help them to develop strategies to be more self-regulating of this tension.

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Network Spinal Analysis™: A Research Perspective

NSA is a unique system for advancing spinal and neural integrity; developing new strategies of self-organization,
and living life from the “inside out”.

By Donald Epstein, D.C.

I am proud to report that studies of NSA patients’ self reported changes span the largest range of health and wellness domains for a non-medical approach. Even more exciting is that this study performed through the University of California, Irvine College of Medicine indicates improvements in all areas surveyed. Strikingly, 76% of the 2,818 patient self-reported retrospective assessments show statistically significant improvement in their Physical, Emotional, Stress, and Life Enjoyment categories of health and wellness as well as their overall quality of life. Even in patients in care for more than 3 years, there appeared to be no ceiling to improvement.

Network Care is associated with significant improvement in self-rated perceptions of “wellness.” Patients who have been under care the longest time reported the greatest improvement in wellness. This retrospective study reflects a large epidemiological group and could be a benchmark for future studies assessing health and wellness related outcomes among patients with a more holistic view of health.

The completed longitudinal study followed a population in care over a one year period. The data collected further validated the questionnaire used to measure wellness and quality of life, and gave us great insight into the strong changes patients achieve in Network Care.

It was found that patients continue in care long after symptoms reduce or disappear. They make healthier choices in their life and enjoyed life more. The study of people receiving Network Spinal Analysis™ demonstrated that people found reasons other than physical symptoms to continue in care. This was revealed by their improved wellness and quality of life indicators.

Network care is delivered to enhance improvement in the patient’s passive, active, neural, and emotional sub-systems, advancing their spinal and neural integrity. Outcome assessment revealed predictable and reproducible development of new strategies of self-organization as one progressed through a series of Levels of Care.

Each Level of Care appears to be accompanied by an increase in self- awareness and self-responsibility by the patient for his spine, and nervous system, in relationship to his healing and life.

Rather than attempting to fix or control any problem, including nerve tension, pressure, stress, pain, fixation or subluxation, or to return a patient to a previous state, an NSA practitioner will seek to promote new properties within the nervous system and spinal tissues. These properties are believed to assist in advancing spinal and neural integrity, wellness, quality of life, and self organization, allowing the expression of a greater degree of wellness.

Research demonstrates that even if a patient changes diet, exercise, meditates, and performs other health promoting practices, the wellness index questionnaire does not predict greater wellness, unless there is also a greater level of life enjoyment. This is paradigm shifting information. In my opinion, this supports the concept that an internal state of well being helps empower the educated choices we make, and that doing “the right things” does not necessarily produce wellness and health. Increased wellness helps our lifestyle choices to work for us.

The improvement in each of the domains of wellness almost doubled when NSA care was applied, as compared to when only constructive health/lifestyle changes were implemented.

You may have seen, experienced, or heard about the two types of natural body waves, one respiratory and one somatopsychic, that develop uniquely in Network Spinal Analysis™ care. These waves are believed to dissipate tension and reorganize the functioning of the spine and nervous system. The awareness of the waves in patients is the most significant predictor of enhanced wellness on all levels measured.

The “Somatopsychic wave™” is a consistent, repeatable physiological phenomenon which can be studied as a non-linear mathematical model. This is of interest to other disciplines studying the dynamics of human function. At the University of Southern California, the NSA population is being studied to assess certain mathematical aspects of biological self-organization. Moreover, in a group of people expressing the “Somatopsychic wave™”, it has been observed that movements of the larger spinal muscles exhibit synchrony, or “entrain” within the population.

Preliminary studies demonstrate that the organization of the surface EMG signal (recorded on patients possessing the strategy of the Somatopsychic wave™) develops greater levels of complexity as the subjects progressed through subsequent Levels of Care.

An exciting next step in research will be to characterize the mathematics of this wave in relation to each Level of Care. This would permit a correlation between each of the Levels of Care and such aspects of patient progress as enhanced self-organization.

I am actively supporting further clinical investigation. I believe it is essential to conduct ongoing research to further understand NSA’s mode of action. This will advance our knowledge and improve the quality of service we can provide to the public.

I have clinically dedicated myself to furthering the knowledge of the biological links which will help us express a greater range of our humanity. I believe this will help us make healthier choices for ourselves and to be a more compassionate, vital, creative, self-aware, and responsible human culture. I believe that by optimizing the individual’s biology, NSA will facilitate positive transformation on a global scale, changing the world a spine at a time.

Published in The Chiropractic Journal September, 2000

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How to “Deal” with Pain

Pain is something we need to deal with in Life.   We hate it.   When we have it, we want it to go away.  Often, no matter what we do, how many doctors we see, how many things we try….it doesn’t budge…or it goes away temporarily and comes back.   Sometimes it feels like an enemy inside us who’s only goal is to stop us from doing what we want, take away our Joy and interfere with our lives!    I get it!   Years of migraines, multiple spinal and other injuries, and working with 1000’s of clients for almost 30 years has given me this compassion.   I’ve been there and I know how it feels.   I want to share with you what I have learned and how I “deal” with Pain.   If you choose to read this and apply it, I promise you will be freed from the bondage of Pain.

First of all, it is important to understand that Pain is not your enemy….it is your GUIDE.   The first thing I would imagine that you think when you feel pain is “Something’s wrong.”   I am here to tell you that if you are feeling pain, it is there for a reason and something in your life needs to change for your well-being to expand.    If you step on a nail or touch a hot stove and don’t feel pain, then I would say, “Something’s wrong.”  If you eat a horrible, unhealthy diet and put things in your body that are not supportive of health, and you do not feel pain, I would say, “Something’s wrong.”   If you are in a job that you hate or a relationship that’s not supportive and loving, and you do not feel pain, I would say, “SOMETHING’S WRONG!”   Get my point?!

Pain is a GUIDE that tells you 3 things:

  1. Stop what you are doing.
  2. Pay Attention.
  3. Make a change.

That’s it.   So, how do you deal with Pain?    Following the above understanding, here is a step-by-step process to create the change necessary to eliminate the NEED for pain.  This process takes courage, patience, and use of your WILL.  And sometimes its as simple as pulling the nail out of your foot.  😊

  1. Stop what you’re doing and take a deep breath.
  2. Stop trying to get rid of the pain…stop resisting it….and focus all of your attention into it and allow yourself to FEEL it.  (Sometimes this is enough to allow it to stop.   It may take minutes…sometimes hours…but often enough for the pain to relax.   It is how I eliminated migraines.)
  3. Ask yourself “What is my body, mind, or emotions trying to tell me?   What do I need to change? (You may not get an answer right away.   But stick with it and you will know.)
  4. Make the change!   
  5. Seek professional help, if necessary.   Preferably a natural, qualified practitioner who understands what we have been discussing, such as a Chiropractor or Licensed Mental Health Counselor.
  6. Do you’re best not to numb it out with medication, unless absolutely necessary to accomplish an important task or responsibility.

One more thing about pain, before closing.   It is very common that when something is healing or changing, you may feel more pain.   Why?   Because when something is healing or changing, you will become more aware of it.    If there was pain before, it may feel like its increasing.   If you had no pain, you may start feeling pain.   You are just becoming more aware of the area or emotion.   A great example is when your arm or leg falls asleep.    When it starts waking up, it often hurts.   You are becoming more aware of it as nerve and blood flow is restored.    So, if you are in a healing process or making a change and something physically or emotionally hurts, follow the steps above and it will pass.

I hope you received great value from this article, apply it, and create great results supporting your on-going optimal health and well-being.   If you have any questions or need support with this, please reach out to me or our Wellness Consultant, Anja at info@placeforhealing.com or 954-848-4325.

With Love and Appreciation,  

Dr Barry Weinberg

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Have I got your attention?

You may be wondering why I would make such a ridiculous statement.
Of course we need to brush our teeth, change our oil, and talk to our loved ones.


In order for anything of value to remain healthy, it must be maintained.

Are not our spine and spinal cord as important as our teeth, car or relationships? Why do most
people not maintain their spines?

Did you know that your nervous system – brain, spinal cord and nerves – controls, coordinates
and heals every cell and organ of your body…both structure and function. The body
dysfunctions, develops disease and eventually dies without proper nerve flow.

Every day you are exposed to physical, emotional, and chemical stress. This stress places your
spine and spinal cord under tremendous pressure. This pressure causes tension in your spine
which interferes with normal organ function and your body’s ability to heal properly.

Unfortunately, this adverse pressure rarely causes pain or symptoms, yet, it always causes
interference, damage and dysfunction. This damage over time causes pain and symptoms.

Your spine must be maintained if you wish to keep it healthy, just as you maintain your teeth,
car, relationships and anything else you care for. What happens if you do not maintain these
things? They degenerate, decay and eventually break down.

Research shows that people under regular chiropractic care, including infants, children, teens,
adults and the elderly, get sick less often, handle stress better, have stronger immune systems,
and have an overall improved quality of life. Why? Because their spines are free of tension
and interference allowing all the signals from the brain, which control, coordinate and heal all
body structure and function, to reach their destination…the cells of the body.

If you are currently experiencing pain or chronic illness, can I assume that you are not
maintaining your spine?

If you do maintain your spine, I congratulate you. You are taking responsibility for your
health and taking proactive steps to improve your quality of life, prevent disease and injury
and achieve your optimum health potential.

If you are not maintaining your spine, waiting for a pain or problem to arise before going to
the chiropractor, the damage has already been done, and is very difficult to correct. Often it
is then too late and requires more severe measures such as drugs and surgery. When it comes to
health, the attitude of “don’t fix it ‘til its broke” rarely works.

By keeping your spine healthy before developing pain or disease, and maintaining a healthy spine
throughout your life, you will spend less time and money, preventing weeks, months or even years
of suffering.

Here are some tips for maintaining a Healthy Spine:

1. Chiropractic Care:
If you wish to maintain a healthy spine, first all chronic tension and interference must be
corrected. Once the spine is healthy and free of tension and interference, it is as simple as
getting adjusted 1 to 4 per month, depending on your individual needs. By doing this, you can
guarantee yourself a lifetime of optimum health and vitality.

2. Stress Reduction Strategies
There are many strategies to help reduce stress tension in the body and body, including meditating
and deep breathing.  If you wish to explore I very effective strategy I utilize in my own life, check out
Self Discovery Techniques.

3. Healthy Nutrition

  • Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of Filtered water every day.
  • Read food labels and don’t eat anything which has ingredients that do not sound like food.
    (i.e. monosodium glutamate, blue #6, anything bleached, etc.)
  • Eat food in the following ratio:  75% or more Alkaline Foods – 25% or less Acid Foods.
    Alkaline foods are fruits and veggies…Acid is everything else.
    (Exceptions: Almonds, Millet and Salmon tend toward Alkaline…pomegranates are Acid fruits

4. Proper Sleep Posture
Sleep on your side or back…never on your belly.  If on your side, a pillow between your knees and cradled
in your arms helps reduce pressure in your spine.  If on your back, a pillow under your knees also reduces
spinal tension.  Also, make sure your pillow is the right size.   If on your back, your head should be slightly raised.
If on your side, your head should be level with your shoulders.

5. Basic Workspace Ergonomics

·         Back of chair should have good lumbar support

·         Seat height should be so that knees and hips are at 90 degree levels

·         Computer monitor should be directly in front of you with the top of the monitor and or below eye level

·         Desk height and chair height should be so that the elbows are 90 degree angles when typing, and hands, forearms and wrists in a straight line.

·         Sit with head and neck in an upright position, even when on phone (no holding with cheek)

·         When typing, keep shoulders relaxed and elbow close to body.

·         Ample space between legs and desk

·         Use a document holder next to monitor when typing.
Please give us a call and we would be happy to allow you to come in for a spinal check-up and
consultation with the doctor at a discounted rate. The doctor will sit down with you, listen to
your needs, do a complete spinal evaluation and recommend a plan which is best for you.

Don’t let your spine degenerate as your teeth, car engine or relationships do if you don’t
maintain them. Maintain your spine and reach your optimum health potential.

Let’s Never Find Out What We Have Prevented!

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Would You Like More INSTABILITY in Your Life? WHAT?!?

When you seek out a doctor, chiropractor, holistic practitioner, you probably have some pain or health issue that your looking to resolve and stabilize….looking for more BALANCE in your body and your life.    This is absolutely understandable.   When we have a health issue or experience some form of imbalance or instability, it is natural and healthy to seek balance and stability.

But how often do we seek out IMBALANCE and INSTABILITY?  Actually, quite often!   This is equally as important.   This is why we go to the gym, go on vacation and reorganize our house, office or relationships.   Let me explain.

When anything is stable and balanced, there is no movement or growth.   It is maintained as it is.   In order for there to be any movement or growth, an element of instability and imbalance must be introduced.   Look at walking, for example.  

Try this:   Stand up with your feet shoulders width apart.   Are you going anywhere?   No.   You are stable and in balance but standing in the same spot.   In order to move forward, you must take a step.   So, very, very slowly, lift your right foot and start moving it forward.    You will, for a moment, feel unstable until you put your foot down in front of you, once again creating stability.    Now do the same thing with the left foot.   Do this over and over and you’re walking forward, moving back and forth between instability and stability / imbalance and balance.    Do this exercise until you feel that fluctuation between instability and stability.  This is how all things move forward and grow….fluctuating between stability and instability.   You MUST have instability and imbalance in order to grow, move and heal. 

Granted, too much instability and imbalance causes chaos, disorder and dysfunction, which is unhealthy.   Likewise, too much balance and stability causes stagnation, tension and dysfunction, also unhealthy.    The natural fluctuation between the two is what we want:   This is HEALTHY!

Every time you eat something, this puts the chemistry of the body out of balance.  As the body seeks the NEXT LEVEL of stability in the body, it uses the nutrients of the food to create new cells, create energy and drive function.   Every time you exercise, it creates instability in the muscles and other tissues, and as the body seeks a NEW LEVEL of stability, your muscles grow and get stronger.   Explore how wherever there is growth and movement, there are elements of instability and imbalance that drive that change to find NEW LEVELS of stability and balance.

In fact, when you read the title of this article, for a moment, you might have felt some instability (confusion or irritability).   This was deliberate.   We can’t grow or learn without an element of instability!

This is the goal of NETWORKSPINAL CHIROPRACTIC.   When you first came in, there may have been areas of tension and restricted movement or chronic injury or health issue that hadn’t changed In quite some time….this is too much STABILITY AND BALANCE.   The specific, gentle contacts on the spine are designed to introduce an element of INSTABILITY by triggering movement and breath in the body.   Suddenly, the tension begins to release and the spine begins to move freer.   We start experiencing a greater sense of EASE, instead of DIS-EASE.    If there is too much INSTABLITY, a similar process restores balance through breath and connection with the body….also creating a greater sense of EASE.

If you feel you are experiencing too much INSTABILITY in your life, introduce some stability by deliberately taking calming deep breaths, meditate, spend time in nature and do more of the things you enjoy.   If things are stagnant and not changing….TOO STABLE…introduce instability!   Do something you wouldn’t normally do!   Start exercising.   Go on a trip.    Go out on the town.  Start a hobby.   Start a business.   Let your imagination go free.

In conclusion, if you have a health issue, there is either too much stability or too much instability and we can support you with creating IDEAL HEALTH through NetworkSpinal Chiropractic.   Give us a call if you have any questions or would like to make an appointment for yourself and your family!

With Love and Appreciation,

Dr Barry

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I have been hearing so much about this new conversational A.I., ChatGPT, so I decided to put it to the test.   I asked it what impact stress has on health.   Its answer was almost verbatim what I wrote in my last article, “Getting to the Heart of It…The Impact of Stress on Your Health and Your Life.”  It also gave a great description of Network Spinal Analysis. My question is in bold followed by the response from ChatGPT. Check it out!

Tell me how stress impacts health

Stress can have a significant impact on physical and mental health. Chronic stress, in particular, can lead to a variety of health problems, including:

  1. Heart disease: Stress can increase heart rate and blood pressure, putting a strain on the cardiovascular system.
  2. Digestive problems: Stress can cause digestive problems, such as abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea.
  3. Sleep problems: Stress can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep, leading to chronic fatigue and decreased energy.
  4. Depression and anxiety: Chronic stress can increase the risk of depression and anxiety disorders.
  5. Immune system suppression: Stress can weaken the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to illness and infection.
  6. Skin problems: Stress can cause skin problems, such as acne and eczema, or worsen existing skin conditions.
  7. Reproductive problems: Stress can interfere with the menstrual cycle in women and decrease sperm count in men.

In addition to these physical health problems, stress can also have a negative impact on mental well-being, causing feelings of irritability, anger, and sadness. To maintain good health, it’s important to manage stress through relaxation techniques, physical activity, and a balanced diet. If stress becomes chronic and affects daily life, seeking professional help may be necessary.

What is the mechanism or physiology that stress has an adverse effect on health

Stress has an adverse effect on health through a complex physiological mechanism. When the body perceives stress, it activates the “fight or flight” response, which involves the release of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones cause physical changes in the body, such as increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and increased respiration.

The “fight or flight” response is designed to help the body respond to short-term stressors, but when stress is chronic, the body remains in this heightened state, which can have adverse effects on health. For example, elevated cortisol levels can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to illness and infection. Cortisol can also cause changes in metabolism that lead to weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area.

In addition to physiological changes, stress can also have a direct impact on the brain. Chronic stress can alter the structure and function of the brain, leading to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.

Overall, the mechanisms by which stress impacts health involve complex interactions between the hormonal, physiological, and psychological responses to stress. To maintain good health, it’s important to manage stress through relaxation techniques, physical activity, and a balanced diet, and to seek help if stress becomes chronic and affects daily life.

What is Network Spinal Analysis

Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) is a type of chiropractic technique that focuses on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system. The goal of NSA is to improve spinal function and overall health by reducing tension and stress in the spine and nervous system.

During an NSA session, the chiropractor uses gentle touch to identify areas of tension and stress in the spine and nervous system. The chiropractor then applies specific adjustments to help release this tension, which is said to improve the flow of spinal fluid and promote the self-healing capacity of the body.

NSA is based on the concept that the spine and nervous system are interconnected and that changes in the spine can impact the functioning of the nervous system. By reducing tension and stress in the spine and nervous system, NSA practitioners believe that the body can move towards a state of greater balance and health.

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Getting to the Heart of it – How Stress impacts our Lives and Our Health

You may have heard that Stress has a direct impact on our Health and Well-Being.   Did you know that it’s not actually the stress, but how we respond to it?    Let’s explore how stress impacts our bodies and what determines if it harms us or helps us. 

Stress is a normal part of life.   It is a change in our environment or circumstance that requires us to make a change and ADAPT.   We experience this every day.    Whenever we experience a stress, there are 2 basic ways we adapt.   The first is that when we experience a stress that we have the physical and mental/emotional resources to handle, we GROW.   We get stronger, wiser, and even more adaptable.   An example of this is working out.   We use a controlled weight to stress the muscles and the muscles grow and get stronger.   However, if we use too much weight, we could injure ourselves…which leads to the 2nd way we adapt.

When we experience a stress that overwhelms our resources to physically and mental/emotionally to adapt, the brain detects danger to our survival and it initiates the stress response, also called Defense Physiology or Fight-or-Flight.   This is an automatic, primal response that protects us in times of danger.    Below is a chart of what happens when the Fight-or-Flight Response is triggered:

When we look at this list of responses, there are 3 things we must understand:

  1. The increased blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, blood sugar, muscle tensions and dilation of the pupils is produced to give us more oxygen, energy and faculties to confront the danger or run away in order  to SURVIVE.   We’ve all experienced this when we are on the highway and suddenly the car in front of us slams on their brakes.    You know the feeling!
  2. Immunity, digestion and sexual function are turned off, because they require a lot of energy and they are not required when we are fighting or running away from a threat.     This explains a few things.   We often get sick when we are stressed because immunity is suppressed and if the threat is great enough we may even soil ourselves.
  3. And third….and the most important thing to understand…the first thing that happens when we perceive a threat is an increase in SPINAL CORD TENSION.  It is this Spinal Cord Tension that triggers the signal to release adrenalin which initiates the Fight-or-Flight response.   Could this be why we emphasize the importance of having a healthy spine and nervous system free of tension?   It is THE reason!

The next thing I want to show you is a list of the top 10 medical diagnoses, which will lead to my profound realization:

If you look at this list and compare it to the list of the components of the Fight-or-Flight response, you will see what I saw 20 years ago.    They are the SAME LIST!   Look below:

What does this mean?   That these health issues are nothing more than the Long Term Effect of the body being stuckin the Stress Response.    The body never recovered from the stress you experienced and is still functioning as if it is still happening….even if it happened decades ago!

In conclusion, the most important thing you can do for optimum health and well-being is to recover from past stresses and increase your Adaptability.    The 2 most effective strategies I have found to accomplish this is chiropractic and meditation.    The most effective methods of chiropractic and meditation I have found are Network Spinal and Self Discovery Life Mastery.   These 2 things are my health-care system for myself and my family and what I promote to my clients for optimal health and well-being.

Make your spinal and nervous system health your top priority and learn some method of meditation to quiet the mind and be present and you will see long term effects that will ensure optimal health and well-being throughout your lifetime.

If you have any questions or would like to make any appointment for an initial consultation or to get adjusted, gives us a call at (954) 848-4325 or e-mail us at info@placeforhealing.com.   Please visit our website www.placeforhealing.com and view our audio/video page for more information.

With Love and Appreciation,  Dr Barry